geopark partnership prerequisite
To increase the involvement of the local community in geopark issues also to help the business owners to prosper, Aras Geopark establishes a network for geopark partners. Membership in this network is possible for the operators who have already passed the legal procedures and acquired due certificates. Indeed, the title "Aras Geopark Partner" is an added value for partners and does not contradict with regulatory bodies. Other individuals interested in cooperating with geopark can benefit from the opportunity of being geopark volunteers.
Aras Geopark Partner
“Aras Geopark Partners” is comprised of business owners, manufacturers, service providers, educational institutions or natural persons operating in tourism especially geotourism. They benefit from geopark brand and educational services offered by geopark and in return, they promote the geopark brand and circulate geopark information among their customers. Indeed, geopark and its partners have a good bilateral cooperation.
Aras Geopark volunteer
Individuals interested in cooperation or supporting the geopark who don't have any profession or business related to geopark aims, may cooperate voluntarily with geopark in holding events, meetings, fairs and workshops also in maintaining geosites and promotion geopark concepts and subjectives.
Aras Geopark Partners Network
This network is a setting for partners to cooperate and exchange of experience and information which facilitates common activities and increases the functional abilities of partners. The network helps partners to avoid involving in any detrimental competition.
Advantages of Being a Geopark Partner
- Usage right of geopark logo and brand
- Free advertisement of partners in the geopark official website
- Reduction of outdoor advertising fee by participating in collective advertisement
- Gaining certification, membership ID card and information board to put in their place which ensures customers trust
- Benefiting from free of charge workshops aiming in increasing the quality of productions and services of partners
Terms and Conditions of Geopark Partners
- All activities of partners must not damage the environment and natural landscape
- Gathering, buying and selling of stones, minerals, fossils and rare animals is forbidden
- Geopark partners are supposed to promote and introduce Aras geopark and geosites to tourist and their clients
- Geopark partners are supposed to engage in promotion of partners network
- In order to have comprehensive information about geosites, nature, tangible and intangible heritages of Aras geopark, it is mandatory for all partners to attend in workshops offered by geopark
- Partners are supposed to actively take part in gatherings for discussion and exchange of ideas.
- Partnership certificate is valid only for one activity and it can not be used for other activity unless the second one is registered independently.
- Application for geopark partnership is viewed as the partner accepts terms and conditions of partnership and defying them may result in revocation the partnership.