Workshop on the principles of geotourism and geoparks to governors of rural districts in Jolfa
An educational workshop aiming to make governors and councilors of rural districts acquainted with the geopark and geotourism concepts was held in Golfaraj ecomuseum by the collaborative efforts of tourism, cultural and social deputy of Aras free zone and county governor of Jolfa.
In this workshop which was held on the occasion of 18 April: international day of monuments and sites, Alireza Amrikazemi the consultant of aspiring Aras geopark was the main lecturer. Mr. Amrikazemi spoke about benefits that Aras geopark can gain by getting inscribed in UNESCO global geoparks. He emphasized on sustainable and responsible use of geosites and introduced involvement of local communities as the most important factor in UNESCO evaluation process. In the sequence Mehdi Abbasi tourism director of Aras free zone and Vahid Atayi delivered speech about rural landscapes and development of rural enterprise.