
10/31/2024 News 61
Aras Pomegranate Festival with cultural and fun programs was held from October 23 to 25 in Aras UNESCO Global Geopark.
10/14/2024 News 71
Photo and Reels Competition in Aras UNESCO Global Geopark
10/6/2024 Geopark 84
6 October International Geodiversity Day: Conserving The Past – Sustaining the Future
9/10/2024 News 105
First Aras Geoproduct Festival 11- 14 September 2024
8/4/2024 News 166
International intensive course on UNESCO Global Geoparks with the theme of “UNESCO Global Geoparks and Sustainable Management” was held in Lesvos Island UNESCO Global Geopark, Greece.
7/26/2024 Learning 135
Specialized workshops on empowering craftspeople of Aras Free Zone (Aras UNESCO Global Geopark)
7/26/2024 Learning 115
Aras UNESCO Global Geopark holds
6/17/2024 News 198
In this site, several types of fossils, including ammonoids and bryozoa, were identified by geopark experts.
5/30/2024 Learning 204
Familiarization Workshop on fossils of Aras UNESCO Global Geopark was held on 9th May
5/18/2024 Learning 214
Teaching Aras Global Geopark topics in schools - Students of the area become geo-coservators
4/24/2024 News 309
Solo Exhibition of Aras UNESCO Global Geopark's Partner
4/17/2024 News 209
The workshop "Global Geoparks and its capacities" was held with the presence of Aras Free Zone Organization personnel.
4/17/2024 News 166
The director of Aras UNESCO Global Geopark was appointed.
3/10/2024 News 133
The animal atlas of Aras Global Geopark was unveiled
12/10/2023 News 131
The first workshop and tour on birdwatching was held in Aras UNESCO Global Geopark.
12/10/2023 News 145
A two-day workshop on geopark instructor training was held in Aras UNESCO global geopark.
11/18/2023 News 131
First birdwatching tour and workshop in Aras UNESCO Global Geopark
10/30/2023 News 233
The 16th conference of the Iranian Paleontological Society comes to an end.
10/30/2023 News 223
The head of Geological Survey & Mineral Exploration of Iran and the accompanying delegation visit Aras UNESCO Global Geopark.
10/3/2023 News 107
Fig Festival is being held in Aras UNESCO Global Geopark from 3 October until 6 October.
10/3/2023 Geopark 119
6th October, International Geodiversity Day will be celebrated under the theme "Geodiversity is for everyone - Everybody is related to geodiversity".
7/26/2023 Learning 153
What is a UNESCO Global Geoapark?
6/26/2023 News 161
Popular celebration of Aras Geopark was held
6/26/2023 News 187
The international geopark ceremony was held
6/18/2023 News 207
Aras UNESCO Global Geopark Designation Ceremony
6/7/2023 News 141
Aras UNESCO Global Geopark attends welcome digital event for the new UNESCO global geoparks.
5/28/2023 News 172
Aras UNESCO Global Geopark
5/15/2023 News 215
Students of Tabriz University's Faculty of Earth sciences visited Aras Geopark
2/20/2023 News 303
Gepark panel discussion on the sidelines of Aras Expo 2023
1/18/2023 News 219
Aras Geopark workshop was held
1/10/2023 News 155
Aras Geopark Upcomming Workshops...
10/9/2022 News 158
Status report of Aras geopark visitor center new building project
10/4/2022 Learning 156
new books in geopark visitor center
9/8/2022 News 148
Aras Geopark attends the 7th Asia-Pacific geoparks network symposium
9/8/2022 News 172
UNESCO Global Geoparks Council approves the membership of Aras Geopark in the UNESCO Global Geoparks Network.
7/5/2022 News 298
UNESCO evaluator Professor Tran Tan Van visited Aras Aspiring Geopark among a three-days mission.
3/9/2022 News 432
Completing the fossil and minerals database of the Aras Geopark Visitor Center
1/26/2022 News 397
Aras Geopark Attended the 9th International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks
12/18/2021 News 463
A workshop on conservation of natural resources and environment was held by Aras Geopark Partner.
10/20/2021 News 561
Aras geopark in collaboration with Aras film and photo association, held a photography tour in Aras geosites.
10/11/2021 News 508
Aras Geopark Photography Tour
9/22/2021 News 497
an online workshop on idea, design and manufacturing geoproducts
9/22/2021 News 469
Aras geopark buys the product of selected deigners.
9/15/2021 News 499
Unveiling logo of Aras geopark partners network
7/17/2021 News 552
Construction of a geological park in Gechi Qalasi geosite
7/20/2020 News 747
signing a cooperation agreement between Aras geopark and the base of world heritage site of Iranian historical churches
5/31/2020 News 860
Workshop on Aras Geopark, geosites and geology of the area (Exclusive for Aras Geopark’s Partners)
2/8/2020 News 815
3rd International Archery Competitions 3-5 March in Aras Geopark
1/18/2020 News 933
Mr. Saber Salimi Alamdari, a geopark partner wins the jury prize in nature section of ASISAfoto
12/9/2019 News 1234
Workshop on geopark concepts, local community engagement and geopark partnership.
11/30/2019 News 922
Workshop on interpretation and conservation of geohertage, geopark and geotourism
11/14/2019 News 754
workshop on geopark, local community engagement and geopark partnership
10/9/2019 News 835
Aras geopark's exclusive award for selected photographs which illustrate geosites
8/13/2019 News 1057
operational plan and final evaluation of the visitor center project got handed in to Aras free zone organization.
7/1/2019 Geopark 1005
proceedings of Aras aspiring geopark meet with approval of Iranian national commission for UNESCO
6/8/2019 News 1045
Aras geopark consultant meeting with deputies and directors of Aras free zone organization
5/22/2019 News 920
On the occasion of international museum day, personnel of the tourism and cultural heritage management met with the CEO and chairman of the board of directors.
4/22/2019 Learning 1100
An educational workshop aiming to make governors and councilors of rural districts acquainted with the geopark and geotourism concepts was held in Golfaraj ecomuseum by the collaborative efforts of tourism, cultural and social deputy of Aras free zone and county governor of Jolfa.
3/4/2019 Learning 1077
This trilateral agreement aims to facilitate cooperation, expert and experience exchange and also to accelerate the process of inscribing the aspiring national geoparks in UNESCO global geoparks.
2/25/2019 Learning 899
Some youths acting in the field of handicrafts, media, sport and social affairs represented Aras geopark in a 3-day event.
2/4/2019 News 924
تیم بسکتبال ژئوپارک ارس قهرمان مسابقات زیر 12سال شد
12/15/2018 News 1010
Session for investigating schemes of the visitor center of Aras Geopark
11/27/2018 News 970
Dr. Dadashzadeh introduced Tabriz university as a supporter of Aras development in all fields and announced about readiness of Aras free zone for cooperation with geotourism research center in subscribing Aras global geopark.
9/11/2018 News 1162
محسن نریمان با تاکید بر لزوم انجام تمهیدات مورد نیاز برای تکمیل پرونده ثبت جهانی ژئوپارک ارس در یونسکو، گفت: ژئوپارک یکی از اولویت های ارس است
9/3/2018 News 886
در راستای هماهنگی و هم افزایی بخش های مختلف سازمان جهت آماده سازی پرونده ثبت جهانی ژئوپارک ارس در فهرست ژئوپارک های یونسکو، شورای راهبردی ژئوپارک ارس به دستور مدیرعامل محترم سازمان تشکیل و اولین جلسه این شورابا حضور اعضاء برگزار گردید.
5/19/2018 News 1039
The presence of Geopark Aras in the first international conference and specialized workshops of the UNESCO World Geoparks in Qeshm Island